General terms
Когато посещавате, разглеждате или използвате този сайт, Вие заявявате, че разбирате и приемате посочените в същия права и задължения.
By visiting, browsing or using this website, you state that you understand and accept the rights and obligations specified therein.
Alpin Building EOOD reserves its right to change these conditions.
By using this website, you provide your consent and accept the conditions and remarks set forth above without any change.
In addition, as a condition to use this website, you represent and warrant that you will not use this website for any purpose that is illegal, immoral or prohibited by these conditions and remarks. If you object to and do not consent to the conditions and remarks stated here, please do not use this website. Any other agreements, except this agreement and the agreements between you and related to sales of goods and services to you through this website, shall not be deemed real.
Privacy of personal data highly values your trust and assures you that the information you enter on our website will be used only for the purpose of serving the users.
Alpin Building EOOD guarantees the confidentiality of the provided information and personal data to its users/customers. Personal data shall not be used, provided or brought to the knowledge of any third persons outside the cases and under the conditions specified in these General Conditions.
Alpin Building EOOD shall undertake not to disclose any personal data about the Customer to third persons – state authorities, commercial companies, natural persons, etc., except in the cases where it has received the explicit written consent of the Customer, the information is required by state authorities or official persons who as per the effective legislation are authorised to require and collect such information, Alpin Building EOOD, Alpin Building EOOD shall undertake to provide the information under the law.
Intellectual property
Alpin Building EOOD aggressively defends its intellectual property rights with all the severity of the law.
The name of Alpin Building EOOD/Alpin Building, the logo of Alpin Building and Alpina 2000 or other registered trademarks of Alpin Building EOOD shall not be used in any way, including in the field of advertising or advertising related to the distribution of materials from this website without the prior written permission of Alpin Building EOOD.